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tv   [untitled]    September 11, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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an. the new international envoy prepares to take his peace mission to syria but admits it's nearly impossible we're really getting in his way. the man appointed as they've launched talks exclusively to our team about washington secret investigation against the whistleblower well britain's threats and swedens of real world. from revolution to rubbish the arab spring aftermath scenes growing piles of garbage become a major blight in the. good
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day to you watching r t a live from moscow with me to bomb what's a first in the fresh bridge to give syria's peace efforts a breath of life the new international envoy will head to the country in the next few days after brahimi admits his mission has a deep challenges with my doing on the ground reaching fresh levels of cruelty every day most recently activists linked to the opposition have confirmed the rebels executed at least twenty pro-government soldiers last week and city of aleppo and then had been bound and blindfolded before being trailed but that says there are still your reports these attempts in syria further undermined by foreign powers taking sides. the new jong un arab league special envoy to syria a lot more brahimi who's been tasked with trying to broker a peace plan to well be in two month long conflict in syria has just called his task or called nearly impossible this is a difference or to stand before you for
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a stop the job he was optimistic in the beginning i think big that he could help pave the way for peace between the warring sides in syria also heard from the secretary general but how is the us. sob regime for all the atrocities being committed against the syrian people but also the rebel groups and the condemning both sides saying that the choosing of violence and force rather than we've also heard. for human rights and the like would has been a staunchly critical of the assad regime even blaming condemning the regime for their treatment of their actions in this public she's also come out and spoke against the rebel groups and any groups armed groups that have been committing atrocities against the syrian people she said that all sides should be held responsible for all their actions believe her from the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton as well as french president both with expressing their support for the syrian rebels france has already been said to aid to three
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revolutions in syria as of recent weeks now with a lot of consensus from the international community on how to approach a situation as well as conflicting messages on whose side is responsible for the atrocities the support that is being given to one side versus another it's not hard to understand why block more brahimi has been calling his tasks now as nearly impossible. the editor in chief of the syria tribunals leaves it's not just western diplomatic support for the rebels that is hindering the international peace efforts . only if the countries backing their balls and sending them what ins and money stop doing so we can have a peaceful resolution of the crisis if. the liberal himi is capable of convincing these countries and i doubt it then yes he has a chance if not then i don't see he has any now when you say that you are supporting a liberal him his mission to reach a peaceful resolution you should not be supporting sending weapons to militias and
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specially that this militia is well known for being islamic radical militia and for committing atrocities against civilians what's happening in syria is quite similar to what has what happened before in afghanistan in the eighty's and yet the french president is determined to send militia weapons and yet he claims that he supports a peaceful resolution his leg. keep across what's happening in syria in efforts to solve the crisis at r.t. dot com. there's been nearly a month says julian assange was granted political asylum by accident but he is no closer to being a free man if you save passes from britain and still face an arrest they in its biggest hope now lies with his legal supreme our son he is the man who is indicted form of human dictator augusto pinochet and he's been exclusively telling r.t. about his new challenge sarah firth has the details. he reveals a little bit about this ongoing battle for justice achieved in the thousands of
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course the wiki leaks founder remains holed up in the ecuadorian embassy here in london in knightsbridge and no real end in sight at the moment for this. standoff. remains very very firm that word cheerleader sounds to be extradited that would put his human rights a very real risk the same time the u.k. has said they're not going to go. free passage and that if he. outside the ecuadorian embassy he could be arrested for breaching his bail conditions so just where does that leave well in the interview with r.t. both as our guards on a sound his lawyer said that they're going to continue to fight what he termed a terrible injustice. the u.s. is conducting a criminal investigation into we killed that's according to a few but nevertheless thierry reliable reports in this respect absolutely clear to us that such
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a nasty prosecution which were almost was in essence just doing his job violates freedom of speech in the u.s. now remember tedious silence is now being charged he's wanted for questioning in sweden over rape and sexual assault allegations one of the biggest criticisms leveled at did in a song. for asylum in ecuador granting him asylum is very much just trying to have a justice now his lawyer tells us that he's more than ready to go they have all the ready to face the questioning as long as he's being given a guarantee that what he fears the most wouldn't happen and that would be that once he was in sweden that he'd face extradition to the u.s. and they have never received those guarantees you go on a warning to the from. this case this case has no grounds when he came to the u.k. and the courts are not here to rule down his extradition julian assange told swedish prosecutors that. he was ready to cooperate he would offer to come back for
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questioning and he's still ready to do that only now he's asking the prosecutor to come to the u.k. and question him this is not a rebellious behavior. as he said julian assange is on his legal team have always maintained that there's a very real fear here that well he'd be extradited to sweden so that he could face a further extradition to the u.s. where some of the quine's that he could potentially be accused of espionage or as worked with wiki leaks that carries the death penalty in the us a very serious concern that his lawyer makes in the interview and i don't think mr a song she's a spy all he did was exercise his right to freedom of information he received and i'm much more surprised that there has been no investigation into the glaring crimes documented in those leaked reports featuring the us interference with issues that have absolutely no relation to their national security or the safety of the
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american citizens of those size of course very very eager to find some form of resolution but just when and how this will come with a sixteen year old certainties as louis told r.t. there is no time limit to resolve this situation so it looks like this one could be set to run and run but you can catch the full interview with putin at times as a lawyer but also exclusively on r.t. . still ahead this hour a prize or two high for the palestinians the streets are monsters living costs rocket with experts experts suspect in israel's hand and playing plots. no need to change until there is a culture. being smart being educated is cool but until that happens a teacher cutbacks in striking staff in u.s. schools are seeing parents keep their kids at home some live in.
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egypt or maybe entering a new chapter but it's yesterday's trash which has car as residents fearing for their health after a year in a state of flux as deposing president mubarak tons of garbage are rotting in the capital streets his origin is oksana boycott. a revolution or a leftover that's already starting to cause a bit of a stink it took a gyptian one thousand days of mass protests to oust hosni mubarak yet in the eighteen in searing month they've encountered a far more pungent problem with residents don't wait for garbage collection instead they threw it out onto the streets and we have to collect it. cairo has never been a particularly clean city but the growing piles of garbage have become a major blood on its revolutionary glory president mohamed morsi promised to solve the problem in his first one hundred days in office but more than two months into his reign he's yet to show any haste in eliminating the waste. they said garbage
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fans were unable to access narrow alleys. small vehicle let's get the regional government and cleaning commission violated the contracts but there's a maci would go to that area for many years cairo had its own environmental a friendless system of processing waste for a small fee the garbage collectors most of them christians one door to door picking up organic leftovers and fitting them to pigs that was until two thousand and nine when the pigs were called because of swine flu the mubarak government came up to some alternatives but they all collapsed alongside the regime. used to be these are going to means now we have to pick up or they're going to put it in containers but the problem is how to dispose of it that we have no place to process it. from libya to egypt trash overload has become a major visible change brought by the arab spring and an unpleasant reminder that
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the previous governments were not as worthless as revolutionary spain to damn well this is this is all. very nice. actually. to bring it in. the way of ok. to be tossed around. fifteen tons of garbage dumped on the streets of cairo every day more and more egyptians are now starting to see the difference between the politics of revolution and the policies of responsible government the main assumption in all revolutions is that when all leader is gone the quality of life can only get a better and it's only later when the basic services start to crumble and when things people used to take for granted i'm no longer there that their revolution and their regime had to post i finally getting
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a more realistic assessment of some of the weaker our city. you can follow this and many other stories that are a dot com here's what else we've got the for you culpable in that on the eleventh anniversary of the nine eleven attacks that killed around three thousand americans there's a new legal battle ahead. plaza millions of web sites inaccessible right now all of those up and running and we explain why many others are and will cain catch that r t v dot com.
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this is r g good to have you with us france is facing its most of us spending cuts in decades it's sending president along approval ratings into a nosedive elected as he was to end austerity he's promising to rescue the economy within two years but says it needs a multi-billion year old cuts and tax hikes including a seventy five percent staying on top of paris based journalism very lando dollars that along the is on the right road for france. he is in trouble and he had to give the impression that he was going to be as you call him so normal president getting away from the super activism sarkozy was our closer he proceeded you know because he wanted to be kind of a president being preside over a government taking a hand and stealing business but while he's been talking about that i mean what you're part of he keeps going down the tubes in unemployment is rising and people are getting more and more unhappy at
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a time when the economy is shrinking. there talk us point eight percent growth for thirty thousand and thirteen to be minimal to cut all of a sudden thirty billion euros from spending in france is an enormous floor but that's just not thirty billion actually it's probably forty or fifty billion when you add in the crimes that are made by start close the government earlier this year so it's a huge slice out of your chronic. i think instead of bringing growth of friends it made people in the recession hopefully not but it's not a very great right now while on the economic hardships a phase by europe and the world and the kaiser report and later this hour. we're going to. palestinian leaders have met to discuss ways of easing economic hardships which led to the biggest public protests in the administration has ever
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seen demonstrators smashed windows and clash with police and iranian things rising living costs in the west bank political analysts any as a sign that any says that nothing will change until israel loosens its grip on the terror train the problem up to this moment is that the international community has been. as dean has been playing the role of the pay of they pay the money to the better seen and offered to they try to sustain for as long as they can despite a scene in authority but they have to begin to their own and that is to move from the payers to the players they have to play an active role in terms of bringing both the palestinians and israel into the negotiations table there is a problem a leadership problem in israel the leadership today is not ready to move even one step forward on one hand they're not negotiating with the palestinians on the other hand that they're going to get on that on page on the settlement activities and if you look at the kind of scene in the average palestinian in the street they see
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their land is taken over by the israelis they see that they are not allowed to. harvest their lands because they are in areas see that are totally controlled by israel so what kind of personality can we expect bring me the best magician on the to take over from sun and fire from prison a bus when they do it they cannot do it because the overall atmosphere around is not as not conducive at all for profit economic prosperity. to some other world news in brief now clashes between farmers and herders in south kenya have left thirty eight people dead more than three hundred farmers raided a village of herders torching houses and attack you can these guards it's the latest attack in a string of clashes over water and land resources which flared up three weeks ago and have already killed at least one hundred people. the majority of somalia's parliament has elected house and shake them off mood as the country's new president he's
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a business professor and political newcomer has founded the opposition and development party but is also linked to the radical muslim brotherhood is the furthest such election in decades and is hoped to kickstart democracy in war torn somalia. a rocket attack on the us run by a field north of kabul has killed at least three afghan military officers reuters reports that the taliban admits this sold aimed at a nato helicopter at the base it's only a day since the u.s. transferred control of one prison which holds over three thousand suspected taliban militants to afghan authorities. u.s. officials are using the empty equated law to charge seven occupy activists for blocking the entrance to the port of houston in texas last december activism as are is one of those facing prosecution he told r.t. that the government's free speech repression is creating problems with an exist. it
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seems that it was it was a set up from the beginning because as obscure as this law is for some reason one of the arresting officers knew it was a felony and while we were out there on the road this was this was a arrest they made under a tent they brought out of our great tension covered us before they actually arrested us but before they brought out the ten before i was in the tent already knew i had a felony charge because the officer in the road to hell and felony felony to everyone who was out on the road it's more strange that they were so ready and so knowledgeable of this law that the unit judge was unaware when it came to the court definitely feeling like they are repressing our free speech. and they're and they're really just wasting our time our our money and our time going through the process and it's not it's not fair it's not justified and they're lying about it the whole way through as far as after the fact they're trying to cover their tracks . from what we from what we believe it's simply meant to be
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a long standing chilling effect in texas and for occupy to be involved with direct action and another civil disobedience of some assault in the schools of baghdad but these close wolf they across america and they time is beginning with mass teacher walk outside the pay and conditions and the rep advised in parents deciding the best place to teach they can't is on the roof as i tease the marina. yellow buses and traffic guards are the general indicators that america's new school year house started. in chicago some twenty six thousand teachers carrying out a union strike in the streets indicate a problem for the u.s. education system. the city's teachers are demanding a salary increase and better job security but for nearly four hundred thousand students class has been indefinitely canceled in america's third largest school
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district in the nation's first more than one point one million students have successfully begun school new york city's teachers have showed up but an increasing amount of families are permanently keeping their kids home at six point four five year old julian and his seven year old brother brennan. a routine school day involves a seat at the kitchen table. and lessons from mom or dad they can move on to literature such as shakespear they can move on to strategy thinking such as chaz music there's so much to learn if she's not here she leaves the plan of what they need to do the work and also with them to do it. kind of. hard core learning like guitar. sondra and gregory leon. have been
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homeschooling their boys for over two years. a decision the couple made after researching new york city's public school system where overcrowded under budget teachers are underpaid you've got forty kids in one room with one one adult and the kids are just not getting what they they deserve at that age according to the white house three hundred thousand education jobs have been eliminated since two thousand . nine due to state and local budget cuts tied to the economic crisis experts say this has forced public school students to lose teachers critical programs and worst of all a level of knowledge is necessary for success the epidemic of an educated young americans was recently highlighted in a report which warns that u.s. children are not being adequately prepared to compete in the global workforce a study conducted in part by the center for american progress found that china and
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india are moving greater numbers of children through their school systems and better preparing them for jobs in key industries in just eight years it's estimated that india will have four times more college graduates than the u.s. ironically four decades ago america was the world leader in education today among the top thirty industrialized countries the u.s. ranks twenty fifth in math literacy and twenty first in science nothing will change until there is a culture in this being smart being educated is cool you are a true celebrity when you are asian that's not happening in america we can talk about money structure she sure trainee yada yada yada it won't change anything actually there is a change more than two million american parents like the liang's are homeschooling their children are reported seventy five percent increase since one thousand nine
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hundred ninety nine. a trend that some say may eventually be the best source of preparation for america's future marine up or ny r.t. new york. right it's time for the business update with marina marina it's been a very very red day in fact the red start of the week for the markets while i also read all it's all day and there is no. secular reason per se is just they're avoiding there has to make any big moves they're waiting for suki events take place and i guess they're quite pessimistic about those that's the only conclusion really that you can make out of all of that now if we start looking at the russian markets all explained want big events are basically we have only wednesday germany's constitutional court this sets rule on the legality of the euro zone's rescue fund also on thursday the us federal reserve is set to announce its policy decision
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a lot of investors looking forward to another round of quantitative easing we'll see what happens with that for now the arts yes it's shedding over a half a percent similarly with the my sex toy prices have not been helping have seen some volatility i'll get to that in a second but first let's take a look at some of the main movers on the my six where the situation is not old red as you can see there for us so we have top lenders for buying which is shedding almost one percent this hour and we know that it has. been investors to the sells seven point six percent of its fall through a secondary public offering then we have carmakers sollars which is again in about five and a half percent this hour and this is after reporting and almost. tripled i should say kind of and say that's how. everybody not even an investor in that tripled its first half. and then finally we have paul is gold gaining almost thirteen percent that's a staggering result there and that's after it's a shareholder. that he'll be selling his
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a thirty seven point eight percent stake so all the billionaires. right let's move on and go to europe where the situation isn't all that much different from russia and basically investors there's us out looking forward to those events and also basically tracking losses that we saw on wall street and asia mostly the footsie shot in point four percent in this hour and the german dax point one the percent mining stocks and banking stocks are basically among the biggest losers and also burberry i have to say setting eighteen first. still after announcing that its annual profit might be lower than expected that's all it takes we're moving on to currencies the euro is strengthening against the u.s. dollar when it comes to the ruble it's the most and against both major currencies this now let's take a look at the oil prices which always have a major effect on the russian economy as it's very energy dependent as there was a little bit of volatility and what i mean by that was against the law says right now we are gains and basically it has
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a drop from its highest level and almost three weeks and says there's not much confidence in europe's bailout fund and also saudi arabia has announced that the recent a hike in prices was not justified and now want to talk about because prices go down here in russia join the world trade organization and in particular when it comes to clothing shops because of course more competition means there will be less also imports for global retailers created more opportunities and for us the consumers more options and. explore that topic for us. that are not the big name tapping into russia's rapidly growing retail market. a good time indeed as russia has just and third world trade organization and retailers are predicted to be the first to feel the benefits experts and the influx of retailers selling. and all of the markets such as american warehouse.
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prime are popular in britain before entering the w t o russia was able to defend its local clothing industry by imposing a fifteen percent encourage you to it are some all the taxes and the buddha even to keep a western clothing would be relatively expensive here in russia like this t. shirt for example it costs five hundred eighty rubles which is about twelve british pounds but i can see. there are regional price tag on the knees and it's only eight british pounds of such in produce will be gradualist swept away which means there are regional price tag to remain almost unchanged here in russia this will allow low priced retailers to recreate the formula that lead to success abroad and enticing prospects as russia becomes europe's biggest retail markets in the next couple of years but young people and businesses are to bosco. it's obvious there
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was a stylish but i cannot say truffle always for a follow that i know what i was trying to say there but it just came out wrong but it is the end of the day for me thank god so i'll be back so more morning with better performance and hopefully a better performance on the markets as well hopefully marina you know what i think you need to go shopping. read cell therapy is level re-adjustment just makes me even more frustrated i added as if there was a quiet mark i don't let me go out of that but then. leave off at some more bags marina. ride coming up nags is mag skies who pulls the punches against the world's money and of the mean man and the money world so i will be back after the shop break.
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wealthy british scientists like some time to write.


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